vudu Judy [2019] Full Movie Online Free

release Date: 2019

Peter Quilter

directed by: Rupert Goold

duration: 1 Hours 58 Minutes

cast: Renée Zellweger

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I'll admit I'm probably a little younger than the target audience, but after listening to a podcast on Judy Garland's tragic life, I thought this would be very interesting. br> I do admit the acting was good but the movie was painfully slow. I finished it, but only to prove to myself I could.

First things first: Renee Zellwegger as Judy Garland is right up there with Marion Cotillard as Edith Piaf and I personally can't rate anything higher than than. Cotillard deservedly won every acting award going from Bafta, Golden Globe, Oscar, downwards and though politics may well prevent Zellwegger replicating that in a perfect and unbiased world Zellwegger would equal Cotillard's haul. One minor beef: Get Happy ws one of several Garland signature songs and everybody and his uncle Max know it was written in 1930 by Harold Arlen and Ted Koehler so how some ego-tripping Sam Smith (who he? contrived to take sole credit - i.e. music and lyrics - for the song and why imdb aided and abetted him by printing the erroneous credit is something that needs to be addressed.
Although I have compared Zellwegger and Cotillard it's not so easy to compare the respective films; La Mome (La Vie en Rose in the UK) was a soup-to-nuts bio-pic featuring Piaf whilst Judy doesn't pretend to be. Although we do get flashbacks of the young Judy at MGM the total footage amounts to less than ten minutes with the bulk of the running time focussed on the five weeks Judy played The Talk Of The Town in late 1968, early 1969. For a movie about a major vocalist it's very light on songs and Zellwegger opts to perform them herself rather than miming to Garland. All this to one side and allowing for the fact that it is set 50 years ago, thus failing to address todays' audience (average age 30-35) this is still a brilliant film with a standout central performance. Roll on the dvd.

For the general audience, familiarity with Judy Garland may not go past Dorothy Gale singing "Over the rainbow. I do have some vague memories of mentions somewhere about alcohol and substance abuse, as well as suicide attempts. But, unfortunately and sadly, such harsh realities apply to so many iconic performers that individual images blur and dilute. Memories tend to dwell on the happy areas, the Land of Oz in this case.
"Judy" however, is a sad story, focusing on the final year of Judy's life, before she died in accidental overdose, at the age of 47, The movie starts with a brief prologue of ruthless Hollywood movie mogul Louis B. Mayer telling young Judy (Darci Shaw) that while her looks are unremarkable, she is going to be a superstar because she had a "voice that will make you a million dollars. This is followed by the sharp irony of a scene a few decades later, her getting a cheque of 150 from an apologetic manager acknowledging that this is not she was used to. For this modest reward, Judy is to perform a show with her youngest daughter and son on a stage that was not exactly world-class stage.
The premises of the story are all too familiar: a superstar falling faster than a comet, a one-time diva driven by loss in confidence to substance abuse, a desperate mother fighting for custody for her young children with a steely conviction that their place is with their mother. In financial wreck, she finds a lifeline in a 5-week engagement in London, which she has no choice but to accept although it means leaving the children with the ex-husband. The opening night, starting shakily, seems to end up seeing her reborn. Then, a brief ray of hope comes from a deal, arranged by her sweet-talking boyfriend (soon to become second husband) that may eventually give her complete financial freedom. But even with that hope, she is sinking back into her old form of emotional and physical wreckage. When the deal finally falls through, it becomes the nail to the coffin. In a heart-breaking scene, from a telephone booth in London, she calls her beloved daughter, trying to subtly suggest that the kids' place is perhaps better to be with their father. Even more heart-breaking, her daughter accepts this in a matter-of-course manner.
All this is more or less expected, depicting Judy as a woman who is by nature a pain in the neck to everybody around her. What is perhaps less expected are flashbacks to her "Wizard of Oz" days which where, maybe a little surprisingly, anything but happy. Mayer is painted here as an arch-villain, ruthlessly manipulating Judy, leaving her with a traumatic childhood from which she never recovers. Perhaps he was. However, only very slightly touching on (a brief mention by Judy herself) is that her own mother is equally monstrous, if not even more so.
This is all Renee Zellweger's show and she has already received several awards nominations including Golden Globe. Whether she is good enough to bring home an Oscar remains to be seen but a nomination is almost a certainty.
There is a solid supporting cast. I am going to mention only two, not because of the importance of their role in the movie, but because I am a fan of TV series. Playing her husband is Rufus Sewell, who is a prolific veteran that you would probably remember seeing in one movie or another. But currently he most acclaimed for his lead role in "The man in the high castle. Playing Judy's young daughter Lorna is Bella Ramsey. The name may not ring a bell and you might not recognize her right away. But if you are a fan of "Game of Thrones" you will not forget 11-year-old Lady Lyanna Mormont who leads the rally of "Jon Snow, the King in the North.





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